The StrongestLink Approach

Few words are tossed around in the business world more carelessly than “strategy." One company’s strategy may be to “be the best in the industry” while another’s may be to “grow through acquisitions;” another may say “our strategy is our people.” While these may sound admirable, they do little to set an organization apart from competitors, and fail to create any real value for customers.

At StrongestLink, we define “Strategy” as: the articulation of - and adherence to - a unique value proposition that answers the question: “Why would anyone do business with you over a competitor?”

Our consulting practice is tailor-made to help organizations articulate their unique value propositions, and then adhere to the activities that support them.


Our approach to strategy starts with a specific understanding of the nature of competition. In America, sports and athletic competition have largely shaped our view of competition in business. Sports are the definition of zero sum competition: one team's win = the opposing team's loss. This is why we love sports, but it is a flawed approach to competition in business or the nonprofit world.

In our experience, this thinking is widely applied in business. We often hear grand plans of organizations vowing to be "better" or the "best" in their industries. This may make sense in sports, but business is not sports. 

In business, companies must compete to be different, not the best. If your organization is offering a similar product, to a similar customer, for the same relative cost as your competitors, then you do not have a strategy and the only thing left to compete on is price. There is little value that any company can offer in this scenario. Think of competition in business like that of performing arts, rather than sports. Who is the best singer? There is obviously no answer to this question. Each singer has a unique voice, which is valued by a specific audience.

Competing to be different - rather than the best - allows companies to meet specific needs of a specific groups of people. This is where value is created.

Unique Value

Creating a Unique Value Proposition is the first step in competing to be different. The creation of your UVP will force you to answer three questions:

  • Which customers will you serve? 

  • What need(s) will you meet? 

  • At what relative cost?

The answer to these three questions determines the value you offer.


After unique value has been clearly articulated, the hard work of implementing and sustaining your strategy begins. StrongestLink provides the accountability and counsel you need to stay the course and adhere to your strategy.

Working With StrongestLink

A perfectly articulated unique value proposition that sits on a shelf and collects dust is worth $0. 

That’s why our initial strategy session – in which we will work together to articulate your unique value proposition – is $0. This is because we firmly believe that a strategy that is not tested and applied daily is worthless.

However, the flip side of that same coin is a strategy that is airtight, adhered to daily, and accounted to regularly. That is why at StrongestLink we only work with clients that are committed to being held accountable to their strategies, to create a chain that is as strong as its strongest link. 

Let’s Get to Work.

(630) 877-3220